Getting Started


1. Datum Identity

Datum Storage accounts are attached to a Datum Identity. To create your Datum Identity, download the Datum ID app and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please note that creating a Datum Identity will require verification of your email address and phone number.

  • Datum ID on the App Store
  • Datum ID on Google Play

2. Compatible Backup Software

Datum Storage is designed to be compatible with the Amazon S3 API format. Most backup applications that support adding custom S3 endpoints should work, but please note that at this early stage not all have been tested.

Applications tested by Datum for compatibility

S3-compatible applications not yet tested by Datum

  • Duplicati
  • Duplicity
  • Duplicacy

If you do not have a backup software yet, we recommend you to download Arq Backup and try it for free.

Creating a Datum Storage Account

Once your Datum Identity is confirmed, signing up for a Datum Storage account is simple.

  1. Inside the Datum ID app, open the Datum Storage dapp
  2. Tap the "Count Me In" button to link your Datum Identity with Datum Storage
  3. Enter your early access code if required, then review and agree to the Datum Storage terms and conditions

Configuring Your Backup Software

After creating your Datum Storage account, you will receive three configuration variables:

  • URL: This is the endpoint that you will connect to, sometimes called a server URL
  • Key: This is equivalent to the S3 Access Key ID
  • Secret: This is equivalent to S3's Secret Access Key

If you are using Arq, select "Other S3-Compatible Service" when choosing the destination for your backups. Add the three configuration variables to finish adding Datum storage as your destination. Then you are all ready to store your files and/or backup your system.

If your software supports multiple request signatures, please ensure that you use Signature Version 4.